Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day on the Ride

Today was the official "Day on the Ride" where everyone gets a chance to experience what an actual day on the road will be like along with rest stops, large hills, and a full day of riding. Overall I give the ride a THUMBS UP!

We started out really early with Ryan and I hitting the road at 6:20 am. We met up with the group of around 300 riders at Helen's Cycles in Santa Monica at about 7:00. After listening the safety speach and signing in, we hit the road around 7:30ish. I was number 366 (not that it matters).

It was COLD!!! The fog rolled in as we rolled out and even the steady pace didn't do much to cut the wind chill. Luckily I had my arm warmers that Mom and Dad had got me for my birthday. They were wonderful and I am sure I will use them often on the ride. The first 20 miles to the first rest stop were pretty uneventful. The route was one I had done numerous times before and there were a lot of stop signs and stop lights, but a nice warm-up nonetheless.

Then we went on for the next 10 miles -- all uphill! We were in Palos Verdes (home of the dreaded Hawthorne hill of which I have nightmares) and the climb was pretty steady. When I say steady, I mean it was HARD! I had to stop a number of times along the way, but I didn't walk any of it. Ryan was Superman and road up faster than I could ever consider...seriously, this hill was killer...and I was impressed. When I reached the second rest stop, he was all smiles and rested. I on the other hand was pissy. :) It was really nice to have a familiar face there when I rode in though, and I was thankful that he gave me all the time I needed to take a breather.  However, we had much more road ahead so we continued on.

Side note: as I was going up the hill I had a lot of thoughts, but the one that seemed to stick with me the most was something I read the week before which said "Make each pedal stroke you accomplish a success and please remember what got you to this point: your desire to accomplish something you might not have done before, your compassion, and your dedication to help end the human suffering caused by HIV and AIDS."  That is the thought that really got me through.

The next stop was 10 miles further, this time inland. I seemed to get slower and slower as the day progressed, but kept going. Seems to be my mantra...slow but steady. Finally as we crested yet another hill we saw the ocean before us and lunch was waiting in the park overlooking the coast. I was exhausted at this point and really emotional. It took me a few minutes to shake it off and enjoy the lunch, company and view. Once I relaxed it was great to catch up with Ryan and just talk to someone about what I was feeling.  Again, so glad he was there.  Then we took pictures as we psyched up for the remaining 35 miles back to Helen's....

We hit the road again at about 1:00 pm for the final stretch of the ride. We went 10 more miles to the next stop through San Pedro (near Long Beach) and back through a town called Rolling Hills. I had never heard of it before, but it was quaint and charming. There were a lot of equestrian farms along the route and it was very green and clean. I liked it a lot and probably never would have seen it if I hadn't been on this ride. 

At this point I hurt. My neck was on fire and my inner legs were so chapped every pedal was painful. Day on the ride, huh?....thinking of 5 more days just like that terrified me...and we weren't even done yet...and I wasn't the only one. There were many people that felt the same way. However, we had come so far and there was only one choice - to keep going. It was at this point that I rolled down my arm warmers (finally warmed up) and they pooled around my wrists for the duration of the ride.

The last stretch was 25 miles back down through Palos Verdes, along Rodondo Beach, through Manhattan Beach, Venice and ultimately Santa Monica. I am not sure why, but the ride back always seems much longer than the ride out. We finally arrived back at Helen's at 5:00 pm.  I WAS EXHAUSTED, but really happy. For those who weren't counting that is a 75 mile round trip which took approximately 8.5 hours. Mission Accomplished!

In terms of lasting effects: As I got back to the car I noticed that my arms were really hot. Oh, yes...we had forgotten sunscreen and the California sun was merciless. I now have an incredibly ugly burn line where my sleeves were at and where the cuff of the arm warmers were at my wrists. UGH! HATE TAN LINES!! :)  Lesson learned. I also had sore shoulders and couldn't use the restroom for 8 hours without cringing in pain. I will be using butt butter the next ride. Ryan hurt his knee and will be nursing that back to health with a lot of relaxation and stretching. I can't imagine how much harder that would have made the ride back. Kudos for completing it my friend.

Overall this was a really good day. My Dad said it well when he said "It is amazing what the body can do when the mind will let it."  That is the truth of the ride for me. My legs are willing, when my head will get out of the way and just enjoy it for what it is...a day in the great outdoors.

Six days like this in a row only 45 days away...Wish me luck!


  1. What a great story! That's a pretty amazing accomplishment, and when you look at how far you've progressed since you were a roadie last year, it's pretty amazing. I'm sure you'll do just fine during the ride...tired, but you'll get through it. We're all excited for you!

  2. Wow! That sounds intense. I am so proud of you for even attempting this great task. Our prayers will be with you.
